Cutting and Grinding Oils

Clark produces and develops numerous straight cutting and grinding oils. Our proprietary formulas utilize quality base stocks and finely balanced additive technologies in order to deliver superior performance to your metalworking operation. A century’s worth of experience has resulted in a line of products able to tackle stainless steel, hard and brittle steels, gummy aluminum alloys, and even non-reactive nickel alloys with relative ease.Our cutting and grinding oils are formulated with extreme pressure additives that reduce the cutting force needed to machine tough alloys. Anti-weld additives reduce edge build-up on tools and aid in metal removal at the part-tool interface. All of this helps to create increased tool life for our customers. High quality part-finish and interim corrosion protection are standard attributes of all our cutting and grinding oils. Anti-misting and low odor technology provide improvements to the work environment.

Clark has oils designed to machine nonferrous yellow metals without staining. Clark also has grinding oils compatible with all common grinding stones.


Swiss Oils

Clark has designed a special line of cutting oils for the manufacturing of small parts in Swiss machine operations. Drastic improvements in tool life have been seen with our Swiss oils, resulting in savings greater than the cost of the oil. Clark’s Swiss oils are sold predominantly to medical device manufacturers, and are formulated to eliminate the risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy infectivity.

The Clark Difference

Clark understands the factors that affect cutting and grinding oils in the field. Typically, this starts with understanding what machine the oil is going to be used with. For instance, many screw machines leak machine lubricant oils into cutting oil sumps, which dilute the sump and greatly reduce the effectiveness of the product. A dual-purpose cutting oil, which can be used in the lubrication side of the machine as well as the cut side, resolves dilution issues to allow consistent product performance. At Clark, we strive to form close relationships with machinists and plant managers in order to fully understand your operation and select the most effective product possible.

Mon. - Fri.

9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


7555 Bessemer Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio 44127